Friday, August 10, 2012

What I Love and Hate About the Olympics

I love the Olympics! I always have, but now i can tell people about why. I always love the opening ceremonies and watching all those hardworking people give it their all is so awesome. It's amazing to see the young contestants compete, I can't imagine working my entire life for something and going to my first Olympics, and only have worked 16 years for it! Because I mean some of the older athletes have trained for 20-30 years to be in the Olympics time and again and then there are some really young competitors and it blows everyone away. But one of the things I don't like is that NBC cuts out a lot of the events and even puts COMMERCIALS in the middle of some of the events. Like you'll be watching an event and BAM a commercial for some crappy new TV show with Matthew Perry in it will come on. Like really? You had to make even MORE money off the entire thing by just cramming commercials in wherever you can? Is nothing sacred? Also another thing I don't like is that the commentators never be quite! During the gymnastics they're always talking about the athlete or about their outfit or something completely irrelevant. Who cares?! Just let us watch the event and listen to the music! All in all, even though there are some bad parts the Olympics are such a great event and I don't even leave the house when they are on.

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