Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Crime TV Shows

Am I the only one hates the new crime tv shows? None of it is interesting, it's just about women getting raped or tortured. Can't TV show writers be a little creative? We want to see some interesting television with a good plot and good characters. I haven't seen A good crime TV show in a long time. Most shows now just focus on people getting tortured but never really change the plot of the episode. They just change the location, the names and the methods, never really changing the structure of the show. The episodes almost always end with the Police or FBI team saving a victim at the last second before he or she is about to be killed. The show that least surprises me every time I watch it and never seems to change is Criminal Minds. This show never changes its episodes plots and it is full of women getting raped and tortured. I do however think that CSI: Miami is occasionally interesting and veers away from the stereotypical crime TV show structure.

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